This is the day that feels like the first day of spring. This day, January 19, reminds me of September 8 when I began this blog – the beginning of the goal of consistent writing -- renewed.
Now I take a break, already, to look out the window – a distraction – for there are two life support trucks at my neighbor’s house. The woman, about my age, is the rapid door opener for two men with a stretcher and other men with bags of equipment. This emergency must be for her husband, Jeff, who lost his job as a local radio DJ several years ago and learned shortly thereafter that he had kidney cancer. What each day will bring for us – we never know.
I divide my time this morning between looking at the neighbor's home and taking stock of the writing I've done so far, having worked consistently in September, October and November, accomplishing little in December and most of January. Now I pick up where I left off, foreseeing the solid months of February, March, and April ahead of me -- if all goes well. It’s best not to think too far beyond that . . .
The men are bringing Jeff out of the house on the stretcher. His wife, Al, is making arrangements to and fro the front door, to the truck, to her own car . . . he is obviously weak as they bring him from the house, holding his hands over his chest, unable to comfort her in her search -- though he is making every attempt to sit up in the stretcher rather than to lie down flat – just as I would do if carried out such. In feng shui it is said that one’s feet should never be carried through a door first, as that is the way the dead are transported. As such, even in health, a bed should never be placed so that one’s feet face the door while sleeping.
I start my writing today with the clatter of household functions and concerns . . . as pans before a meal. Thinking so . . .
My theme for the year 2010 is “Floors.” This idea came to me in December, carrying little thought or explanation at the time, but promising the worth of my contemplation in January. And so today, this proclaimed first day spring, I contemplate that theme which I laid out for myself in December . . .
Floors – the surface walked upon – a support – the foundation of our movement, stance, and bearing. Floors support our bearing. I like the word, bearing. Some of the meanings are 1) the manner of carrying oneself; comportment 2) a supporting object, person, or point 3) the position or direction of one point with respect to another or to the compass 4) comprehension of one’s situation, and 5) connection with or influence on something; significance.
Floors support one’s bearing – that is, the manner of carrying oneself, the comprehension of one’s situation, the connection with or influence on something . . . one’s significance . . . perhaps another's significance; and comportment or behavior.
And so, in thinking of feng shui once again, in which a purposeful change in one’s physical surroundings affects conspicuous change in a related, non-physical aspect of life – I would say that the purposeful improvement of floors – that is, the updating, cleaning, improvement, polishing, shining, and even placement of rugs – provides positive affect on one's bearing in a chosen endeavor. It means to get hold of one's bearings, to comprehend a situation, to be conscious of stance . . . also, for me, it means to polish, resurface, clean, clarify, shine, and even redefine that which I want to do . . .
And so, feeling fortunate that I am able to do so, I make the conscious decision this year to improve the floors in my house – in order to initiate clarity and invite support to my writing! Now to the writing . . .
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